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Houston Love!

30 Dec

This is what I did this morning as a header for a possible new blog. Having time off from work is fun.

Now off to more pressing maters like cleaning out my garden. So many weeds, yikes!

Advent is Here!

27 Nov

I hope everyone is having a great first Sunday of Advent. Scott Erickson is the artist in residence at Ecclesia, and a few weeks ago he gave the congregation an Advent art assignment. I was excited to have an art assignment of my own, as I am usually the one doing the assigning. The church had pre-cut MDF squares, about 20 x 20 in, to make their own piece of art if they wanted to participate. This is what I came up with.

I started out by gluing torn paper to my board.

Sean then helped me select some Scripture that I wrote on pieces of paper.

I added a wash of color with acrylic paint.

And then drew in details with oil pastels. It was a fun and meaningful assignment. Pardon the cell phone picture quality.

Sanders – Family Portraits

7 Nov

I had a great time this weekend taking the Sanders’ Family Portraits. We walked around Old Town Spring and it was so much fun to watch the boys’ expressions when the trains came by. One of my favorite pictures is of the littlest boy and his mom looking at the trains together. I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I enjoyed taking them!


3 Nov

For over a year now Sean and I have been calling Ecclesia our church home. Right now the church is in process of repurposing an older building downtown. The other weekend we had our service outdoors under the freeway by the building. Here are a few photos from the service.

Robbie Seay leading worship.

The view of downtown from the new building.

Scott Erickson, the artist-in-resident.

I also went to the church’s women’s retreat a few weekends ago in Cat Springs, TX. It was a wonderful weekend! I met so many awesome women and had a great time relaxing in such a beautiful place. We got to screen print my own shirt and my friend Ali and I had fun taking photos Saturday morning.

Beautiful Ali!

Bayou City Art Festival

17 Oct

This past Saturday Sean, my dad, Corwin and I went downtown to the art festival. A cold front had just come through and the weather was wonderful. We didn’t buy anything, but we saw lots of new artists that I liked a lot and had a good time.

Some cool woven wire figurines.

Sean pondering the art or looking off into the distance handsomely, not sure which.

There were lots of chalk drawings going on.

A whole booth with items covered in bottle caps and then shellacked over to make them smooth.

Corwin having a good time.

We all really liked these metal and glass sculptures/mobiles. They moved so many different ways. If I had more time I would have liked to sit and look at them for a while.

I liked this glass peacock. He’s cute.